애플의 비전 프로 유리 중간에 나온 균열 – 두통을 일으키는 요인은 무엇인가요?

숫자가 늘어나는 비전 프로 소유자들이 전면 유리에 이상한 금크를 보고, 종종 애플 지원에서 교체 요청이 거부됩니다.


Vision Pro visors are breaking unexpectedly, and the cause remains unknown.

Vision Pro Cracks

The Apple Vision Pro, the company’s first spatial computer, has been making waves in the tech world. With its ultra-premium status and a starting price of $3,500, it promises to deliver an exceptional experience to its owners. However, there’s a growing concern among some Vision Pro users – cracks appearing in the middle of the front glass 🤔.

The Mystery Unfolds

For a small but increasing number of users, the front glass of their Vision Pros is cracking down the middle. What’s puzzling is that these owners claim they didn’t drop, mishandle, or abuse their headsets in any way. It seems like a mystery case of self-cracking glass!

One Redditor, Wohinbistdu, was the first to report this issue just three days after the Vision Pro’s launch. The crack resembled the ones seen on the first generation of folding phones, despite the Vision Pro not being a folding device. The complex curvature of the headset’s glass surface, which covers the lidar sensor and bends to accommodate the nose, adds to the intrigue. Could Apple’s glass manufacturing process be too intricate? 🌪️

Seeking Repairs, Increased Expenses

As the concern grew, more users came forward with similar stories. It became clear that the cost of repairing these unexplained cracks was becoming a significant issue. Considering the already hefty price tag, the prospect of paying for expensive repairs only adds to the headache 💸.

Apple has remained silent on the matter, making it an even more frustrating ordeal for Vision Pro owners. The only option currently available for repairs is to replace the front glass, which costs a whopping $800. However, if you purchase the $500 Apple Care+ plan, the cost reduces to $300. Still, it’s a considerable expense considering the problems should not be occurring in the first place 😓.

The Impact on Vision Pro Users

The cracks in the Vision Pro’s front glass can have multiple consequences. Apart from the obvious visual issue, these cracks may potentially impact the device’s depth mapping capabilities. As the cracked glass encases the lidar sensor, it could result in inaccurate depth perception and hinder the headset’s performance 🤖.

The Online Buzz

This perplexing problem has captured the attention of the online community. Redditors, such as dornbirn and inphenite, have shared their experiences of cracks appearing on their Vision Pros without any apparent cause. The images they posted highlight the severity of the issue, with long cracks running from top to bottom, marring the sleek appearance of the headset 😬.

Possible Causes and Solutions

Multiple theories have emerged regarding what could be causing these cracks. Some speculate that leaving the Vision Pro headset charging with the protective front cover on or placing it in the case may be contributing factors. However, given that the Vision Pro’s battery is external, there shouldn’t be any thermal expansion issues affecting the headset. Nevertheless, it might be safer to turn off the device and unplug it overnight, especially when leaving the battery on charge 📴.

Seeking Official Response

Apple, so far, has not issued an official statement explaining the cracking issue or how they plan to address it. While owners eagerly await a response, some have found success in persistently contacting Apple support. If one representative rejects their claim, they try again, hoping to find someone willing to provide a free replacement. Patience, and a little bit of tenacity, seem to be the key 🗝️.

The Future of Vision Pro

The Vision Pro’s cracking issue poses a challenge for Apple. As the spatial computing market continues to evolve, Apple cannot afford to ignore user concerns. It will be interesting to see how Apple addresses this problem and if they’ll introduce any changes in the manufacturing process to prevent future occurrences. In the meantime, Vision Pro owners will need to exercise caution and hope for a swift resolution 💪.



Q: Can Apple replace my cracked Vision Pro for free?

A: While Apple hasn’t issued an official response regarding the cracking issue, some users have reported success in getting free replacements. If your claim is rejected by one representative, try again with another. Persistence might pay off!

Q: How can I prevent my Vision Pro from cracking?

A: Though the exact cause of the cracks remains unknown, some users speculate that leaving the headset charging with the front cover on or placing it in the case might contribute to the problem. Consider turning off the device and unplugging it overnight when leaving the battery to charge.

Q: Will the cracked glass affect the Vision Pro’s performance?

A: The cracked glass might impact the device’s depth mapping capabilities since it covers the lidar sensor. This could result in inaccurate depth perception and hinder the overall performance of the headset.

Q: Are there any alternatives to repairing the cracked front glass?

A: Currently, the only option for repair is replacing the front glass, which comes with a hefty price tag of $800. However, purchasing the Apple Care+ plan reduces the cost to $300.

Stay Informed and Share the Knowledge!

As we eagerly anticipate an official statement from Apple, we’ll keep you updated on any developments regarding the Vision Pro’s cracking issue. Remember to share this article with others who might own a Vision Pro or are interested in the latest tech news! Let’s spread the word and help each other in this tech journey 🚀.


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